How do I register for an online seminar ?
For pre-registered seminar sessions, a [pre-registration] button is showing at the tour bar of the seminar website for a certain time. Click on the button to fill out the [pre-registration] form and then submit to complete the registration. Once the registration is completed, the seminar will record the information that you filled in. If using the same device and browser, you will not be asked to fill out the form again. In addition, [pre-questioning] function is provided for you to ask speakers questions ahead of time.
How do I attend an online seminar ?
During the formal seminar sessions, you can go to the homepage of the seminar to fill out the [registration] form. Once the form is submitted successfully, you can attend the seminar right away. After completing the form, you will be prompted to enter the page where you can watch the video as well as download handouts and attend online Q&A session.
Online seminar platform currently supports PCs, with an internet connection speed of more than 300Kbps (recommended 512K) and a memory of more than 512Mb. The operating system must be Windows 7/ Vista or more; the browser requires IE9.0 and above/Firefox 3.0 and above/Chrome 10.0 and above. Meanwhile, Browser must accept cookie, enable JavaScript, and install a sound card with speaker or headset. In order to achieve the best sound quality, it is recommended to watch with resolution higher than 1024 * 768.
The platform's video playback system is based on a full set of Flash Features, so you must use Flash-enable browsers and install Adobe Flash Player to attend the meetings! If you don’t have it installed yet, please click on this link《Download Adobe Flash Player》。
It may have something to do with network settings. Please disable pop-up blockers during the seminar. If you still can't log in under normal network settings, please change the gateway because too many computers using the gateway would sometimes lead to limited bandwidth and become difficult to connect successfully.
It may be due to your network. Please press F5 / ctrl + R / ctrl + F5 to refresh the page or you can turn off the presentation and reopen it. If there’s no problem with your network, you may have to check your device or audio settings to see if mute mode is on.
Online images of the seminar are instantly transmitted to provide a better user experience, so we don’t provide video reverse, fast forward, or select part of the video to watch.
The comments on this platform can’t be displayed immediately because the comments have to go through review process. Questions collected from [Pre-questioning] will be selected and answered by the expert of that specific seminar. Please be patient and wait for awhile to refresh the page to watch the Q&A interaction during the seminar.
The system will not send out notification if your question is not approved. The reasons to the disapproval may be because there is similar Q&A or your question does not match the topic of this seminar.
The online seminar platform does not provide download service for relevant speech materials. Some handouts are available for download after getting the permission from the speakers. Others are invited to participate in the seminar to get the prompt information.
Why can't I receive cellphone verification message in some cases ?
You may have entered the wrong number and that could be why verification message couldn't be sent to your address. You can check to see if your phone number is correct, re-enter the number and send the verification code again. If the phone number is entered correctly, there may be a delay in our server. Due to network or regional problems, our server may be delayed or affected by the communication network signal and carrier support. Please wait 45 seconds to click "send" verification code again. You have a total of 3 times to send verification code on the same phone within 24 hours.